M.K. Holder, Ph.D. |
i n t e r n e t c o n t e n t / d e s i g n p o r t f o l i o Handedness Research Institute Teaching Left-Handers to Write What's Wrong with This Desk? Scholarly Search Guide Handedness & Brain Lateralization Research African Primates at Home East African Research Sites gauche! Left-Handers in Society Famous Left-Handers (french, spanish) "The World of Sinistral Subterfuge" Internet Underground1996 Lariam (mefloquine) Info Les Mascarons du Pont-Neuf, Paris Le Cimetière des Chiens, Asnières-sur-Seine |
e d u c a t i o n - p r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e Ph.D. 1999 Rutgers University M.Phil. 1992 Rutgers University M.A. 1991 Rutgers University Research: handedness, brain specialization, primate behavior & ecology, East Africa 2001-present Executive Director, Handedness Research Institute 1994-present Affiliated Scientist, CISAB, Indiana University 2002-2006 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Indiana University 1998-2002 Educational Outreach Director, CISAB, Indiana University 1992-1993 research: Uganda, Rwanda 1989-1991 teaching assistant : Rutgers University 1990 research : ex-Zaire 1988-1991 graduate study : Rutgers & Princeton 1981-1988 design jeweler 1979-1981 musician c o n t a c t |
c o n t a c t i n f o Dr. M.K. Holder, Director Handedness Research Institute C.I.S.A.B. 402 N. Park Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405 USA FAX: 812.855.0411 NOTE BENE: Due to the volume of unsolicited e-mail I receive, I refer pleas for homework help, technical assitance with web pages, and general questions regarding animals or handedness (survey, methodology, relationship to brain, specific advice re: left-handers) to online resources developed to address these needs. |