Off-Ramps |

Africa Online
Africa South of the Sahara (K.Fung, Stanford U.) 
AdmiNet - Africa
All Africa News Wire news from African presses
African Newspapers On-line (AJR site)
African Newspapers On-line (MediaInfo site)
African Newspapers On-line (ABYZ News site)
Rules for Playing Oware popular African board game
African Games / Awale links 
4th World Documentation Project - African Documents
TeleDiplomacy, Inc. Electronic Embassy Project
Africa: Technology & Networking
The African Academy of Sciences
African Journals Online (from INASP)
Women of Africa Resources (Candice Bradley)
Orientation Africa (search engine)
Virtual Tourist - Africa
IRIN - UN's Integrated Regional Information Network
Contemporary African Database
Weather in Africa (by country)
AJR NewsLink Weather Services
Realtime Satellite Images of Africa (updated 5 times/day)
Satellite Images: Organized Weather Links: Africa
Rwanda U Penn African Studies
Rwanda Information Exchange
AllAfrica: Rwanda Headlines
AdminNet: Rwanda (links)
Rwanda (links from Stanford U.)
Kigali weather forecast
National University of Rwanda (Butare)
U.S. Consular Information Sheet: Rwanda (1999)
ReliefWeb UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs
IRIN Rwanda Report
Rwanda Special Report from One World on-line
Rwanda: Humanitarian DHA-13 (26 July 1995)
Rwanda: Civil OFDA-06 (27 July 1995)
Rwanda: Civil OFDA-07 (30 July 1995)
Oxfam: Programme Update 30 - Rwanda crisis
Oxfam: Programme Update 21 - Rwanda crisis
Zaire: Refugees OFDA-01 (28 August 1995)
Zaire: Refugees OFDA-02 (30 August 1995)
(Formerly ZAÏRE)
In May 1997 Zaïre became recognized as
The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
AdmiNet: Zaire (links)
Zaire U Penn African Studies
Congonline (en français) 
Democratic Republic of the Congo (links from Stanford U.)
Forecasts for Goma, Kinshasha, and Kisangani
Congo Times
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Zaire Country Study (Library of Congress, dated)
Constitutional Background & Political History (dated)
Lonely Planet Guide to Zaire Travel tips for wazungus
Eruption Images List (volcano eruption images)
OUTBREAKS of the EBOLA VIRUS (1995, 2000)
Marburg & Ebola Viruses (Encyclop.of Virology)
Ebola Outbreaks - Updates
Ebola Recommended Reading list
National Center for Infectious Diseases
WHO Ebola Factsheet (1997)
WHO Ebola Publications & Documents
Ebola Page
Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses (A.Jacobson)
Ebola Virus Reported in Northern Uganda (October 2000)
Ebola Warning on Uganda, Congo Border (September 1999)
Uganda U.Penn.African Studies
Uganda (links from Stanford U.)
AdmiNet: Uganda (links)
Uganda Country Study (Library of Congress, dated)
Uganda: The Pearl of Africa
Buganda Home Page
AfricaOnline: Uganda
Forecasts for Entebbe & Kampala
The New Vision for a Better Uganda, newspaper
The Monitor Ugandan newspaper on-line
Constitutional Background & Political Parties (dated)
IRIN Uganda Updates - from UN's Relief Web
Electronic Networking in Uganda MUKLA
Uganda Bookdrive Initiative Reference books needed - please donate
Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Virunga National Park (World Heritage description
Lonely Planet Guide to Uganda Travel tips for wazungus
Gorillas in Uganda (Deutsch)
Kenya U.Penn. African Studies
Kenya (links from Stanford U.)
Western Kenya and Maragoli
AllAfrica: Kenya Headlines
AdmiNet: Kenya (links)
AfricaOnline: Kenya
Virtual Nairobi
Nairobi weather forecast
Constitutional Background & Political Parties (dated)
Lonely Planet Guide to Kenya Travel tips for wazungus
Tanzania U Penn African Studies
Tanzania (links from Stanford U.)
Dar Es Salaam weather forecast
AdmiNet: Tanzania (links)
Digital National Atlas of Tanzania
Tanzania peep this! 
AfricaOnline: Tanzania
AllAfrica: Tanzania Headlines
Radio One Tanzania (RealAudio) 
Kilimanjaro National Park
Ngorongoro and Empakaai Craters and Olduvai Gorge
The Univeristy of Dar Es Salaam
Tanzania factfile (photos & links)
Lonely Planet Guide to Tanzania Travel tips for wazungus
The Kamusi Project: Internet Living Swahili Dictionary (Yale)
Swahili Noun Classification by Ellen Contini-Morava (UVA)
IU Language Lab audio tapes (available for purchase)
The African Music Encyclopedia 
Afropop Worldwide (Public Radio International)
African Music Home Page
NTAMA: Journal of African Music & Popular Culture
WebDiva's InfoCenter
Black History and Literature (Keele University, UK)
African American Literature (USC)
Afro-American Newspapers Home Page
«He was immunized by God
from catching the diseases that he fought.»
-- from Jesse Jackson's eulogy for Jackie
Robinson |
The Misty Future of Rwanda's Mt. Gorillas Doug Fine 1995
1997 Mt. Gorilla Census, Bwindi Forest, Uganda
NetVet - Primate Home Page
Primate Information Center literature searches available
Primate Information Network (PIN)
AskPrimate (from PIN)
Primate-Jobs positions available
World Directory of Primatologists
Pan African News Chimps/Mahale (Japan)
The World of Chimpanzees Mahale info (Japan)
Budongo Forest Project Western Uganda
German Primate Center (DPZ)
Primate Society of Great Britain
American Society of Primatologists
Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center
Duke University Primate Center (lemurs)
Yerkes Research Center Emory University
les gorilles en français
Gorilla Foundation Penny Patterson's site
Birute Galdikas
Jeanne Sept's Home Page
Kevin Hunt's Home Page
Mountain Gorillas in Peril
Primate Gallery
Fossil Hominids Jim Foley
University Anthropology Departments list
Electronic Zoo/Net Vet - Dogs
Electronic Zoo/Net Vet - Cats
A-Z of Australian- Animals
The A-Z of Camels
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
American Kennel Club
Cat Fanciers Web Site
How Cats Communicate: Vocalizations & Behavior
B-EYE: See Through the Eyes of a Honeybee
Communicating with Parrots: The Pepperberg Home Page
Lizard Central Barry Sinervo, UCSC
African Wild Dog Project
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation
Raptor Center birds of prey preservation / rescue
Zoo in the Wild from Italy
Sounds of the World's Animals (Georgetown)
Careers in Animal Behavior
«If she had not called a
slug a snail and asked whether a bat was the female of a tawny owl,
she wouldn't have been taken for a"person from Paris."»
-- Colette «My Friend Valentine» |
International Primate Protection League
International Wildlife Education and Conservation
The Jane Goodall Institute
J. Goodall Center for Excellence in Environmenal Studies
Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe (Mt. Gorilla & Rain Forest Direct Aid)
Gorilla Conservation News
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Mountain Gorilla Protection (slow-loading)
Orangutans at Risk!
Conservation Agencies (links)
Environmental Organizations WebDirectory
Wildlife Web: Conservation Links
IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals
UNESCO World Heritage List
CAUZ: Consortium of Aquariums, Universities & Zoos
«It is a
poverty-striken convention to place animals into landscapes as
seen by men; instead, we should contemplate the soul of the animal
to divine its way of sight.»
-- Franz Marc
(1880-1916) |
Neuroscience on the Internet
American Academy of Neurology
The UNC-Chapel Hill Division of Neurosurgery
BRAINMAP: The Manhattan Project of the Mind
Human Brain Project
Harvard Undergraduate Society for Neuroscience
Neuropsychology Central links page
Neuroscience Web Search Engine (seems to have gone belly-up)
Neuroscience for Kids
Eric H. Chudler - Home Page great resource for students/teachers of neuroscience
The Journal of Neuroscience (full text)
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (McGill)
The Whole Brain Atlas (Harvard)
The Human Brain Project VRML 3-D imaging 
The Visable Human Project
Lab of Neuro Imaging (LONI) UCLA
3D Reconstruction of Optically Sectioned Images
«If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't.»
-- Emerson Pugh, philosopher |
«A razor and a change of shirt. He who would travel happily must travel light.»
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |
The White House
E-mail President Clinton: president@whitehouse.gov
THOMAS: Legislation Information on the Internet
E-mail your U.S. Senator Speak up!
Write or call your Congressional Representative Speak out!
Martin Luther Kings's "I Have a Dream" Speech (1963)
Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" Speech (1851)
Constitutions of Countries World Wide
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Laws
Elections Around the World
Election Notes (daily updates on elections worldwide)
AJR Newslink World On-Line Newspapers
Amnesty International On-line
Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders)
World Population Count (continually updated)
Global Statistics by country
N.C. Solar Center Factsheets
«Alle Reisen haben eine
heimliche Bestimnung, die der Reisende nicht ahnt. [All
journeys have a secret purpose, which the traveler does not
suspect.]» -- Martin
Buber |
Distance Learning Resources
Listing of Free Homepage Providers (want a homepage, but got no server?)
Virtual Courses on the Web
French Lessons from Everywhere
Web French Lessons by Jaques Léon
Web Italian Lessons, by Lucio Chiappetti
Web Spanish Lessons, by Tyler Jones & Jennifer Chambers
On-Line Gaelic Lessons
Bruidhinnar Cànan (Speaking Our Language)
JobTrak (job listings)
Positions in Universities
«Destination, when the
train isn't moving, seems only a forgotten dream.»
-- Eudora
Welty |
DIAL 911 |
«One may gain by losing and
lose by gaining.» -- Lao-Tzu
Research Guide by MK
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Home Page
Emergency Medicine Text
Snakebit Emergency Webpage
Australia / New Guinea Emergency Snakebite Info
Medical Herpetology (snake & spider bite info)
Emergency Treatment for: Altitude Sickness | Frostbite | Appendicitis | Near Drowning | Giardia
North American Snakebite Emergency Medicine
RxList (drug listings)
NetVet Veterinary Resources
First Aid (Mayo Clinic)
Mental Health Links (by subject)
EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page
World Health Organization (WHO)
Current Views on Malaria Prophylaxis by Dr. A. Goldman
Lariam Info Page (anti-malarial mefloquine)
Malaria (diagnosis & treatment)
Malaria Database
Clinical Tropical Medicine Links
U.S. State Department Travel Advisories
Currency Converter includes African currencies
Currency Conversion Cheat Sheet
Nolo Self-Help Law Center legal info
National Hurricane Center (NOAA)
SIMS Hurricane Watch (East Coast of U.S.)
Hurricane & Storm Tracking (Atlantic & Pacific Oceans)
Today's Earthquake Activity
International Disaster Situation Reports (by country)
Missing Children
Sherlock Bones, Tracer of Missing Pets
Emergency Food & Shelter for Homeless
Winter Driving Tips
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
American Red Cross
«I am the one whose
love overcomes you,
already with you when you think to call my name....»
-- Jane
from «Briefly It Enters,
and Briefly
For just a little shove in the right direction, try one of these...
«A sheltered life can be a daring
life as well. For all serious daring starts from within.»
-- Eduora Welty, 1983 |
The City of Hiroshima Japan
AAA World Announce Archives top sites from Down Under
Tera Search engine en español 
Subway Navigator 60 cities worldwide
Indiginous Nations of Canada & the U.S.
Tibet Online
News from Brazil on-line magazine
Masala spicy Indian 'zine
New Zealand on the Web
Around the World in 80 Clicks
Nomadic Research Labs
The Old Timer's Page
How to Make a Decision Like a Tribe
stay tuned... more to
«Learning is being able
to see the relationship between things.»
-- Jean Renoir, film director |

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