k u d o s
a.k.a. m a n y h a p p y r e t u r n s
Special thanks to all of you who have taken the on-line hand preference questionnaire,
nominated a missing «famous
left-hander», contributed comments to the left-handers in society page,
sent greetings to my parents
regarding their 55th anniversary, helped correct my french and spanish translations, written
site reviews, linked these pages, and pointed out typos &
Since February 1996, these pages have been accessed over
2 million times, by
people from 164 countries,
and from over 1000 different U.S. educational institutions.
reviews | serious backpats |
coolhotfunky | offthecuff remarks
global interest | educational interest |
featured in publications
r e v i e w
Pick of the Week
" 'What, if anything, do they have in common?'.... Bill
Clinton, Kermit the Frog, Richard Simmons, Marcia Clark, Billy the
Kid, Eudora Welty and David Byrne.....they're all left-handed.
We learned this at Famous
Left-Handers, which is exactly what it sounds like. The
list is part of Primate Handedness
and Brain Lateralization, a fascinating research site at
Indiana University; read about the leftie/rightie study, or even
participate in it. Take your pick(s).... Primate Handedness and Brain Lateralization -- famous left-handers and
fascinating research."
"Anthropologist M.K. Holder's academically oriented home page
offers a brief primer on handedness and what that has to do with
individual primate and human brains and how they are specialized.
Where did all that left-brain/right-brain stuff come from
and what does it all mean? According to Holder, it came from Paul
Broca about 150 years ago, and it doesn't mean much. Holder clearly
has some points to make in the debate, but holds back from
providing a lengthy explanation. We won't nit-pick, however...
we'll leave that to all the East African apes who
"inhabit" the rest of the site. Holder presents a little
fact guide for these apes, complete with sound files of screams,
burps, and chirps. For fun, check out the list of famous lefties.
A southpaw shindig would include Castro (a leftist!), Tiny Tim,
Joey Heatherton, H. Ross Perot, and Wink Martindale."
"Belching gorillas, screaming chimps, and cavorting mangabeys
are among the primate species you can see and hear as you wend your
way through this site. Find out their status in the wild, if they
are endangered or stable. Learn their scientific classifications,
habitat ranges and general habits. Are they 'knuckle-walkers'
or do they move upright? Do they live in trees? Do they eat fruits,
bugs or even other monkeys? Where do they like to sleep? What are
their families like? Additionally, you can meet Mr. Snork,
ScurveySeaDog, and other ... friends of home page producer M.K.
Holder, research affiliate at the Center for the Integrative Study
of Animal Behavior at Indiana University. You can even leave a nice
message for Holder's parents, married 50 years (a real
accomplishment for the only surviving species of the primate family
"[African Primates at Home]... has been chosen as one of the "Ten Cool Sites" for the
month of April 1996. Every month, the Exploratorium's Learning
Studio picks the best sites in Science, Art and Education.... Sites
are selected based upon their content, their design and the overall
experience of visiting them."
March 1996
"Southpaws who wonder what kind of company they keep will have
a field day when visiting Famous
Left-Handers. This site lists the names of hundreds of
left-handers (including Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill
Clinton). The pages can be translated into French, Spanish, or pig
Latin. Links to primate research and studies of right-brain /
left-brain research are also worth checking out."
L.A. Times PICK
Primate Handedness & Brain Lateralization
14 October 1996
"Famous Left-Handers
-- This article gave information on famous lefthanded
people. It separated the people into groups from presidents to
actors and compiled a list of such people. It belongs in the
category of useless info in my opinion because such information is
trivial. I think it is a waste of time to compile such information.
(David Lam)"
MK's thoughts on
uselessness & relevance in
emergent technology...
See also MK's guest column in
Internet Underground Magazine
"The World of Sinistral
Subterfuge" (Vol.1, Issue
13: p. 67)
by Linda J. Engelman
On The Other Hand
If you're a lefty, you join the ranks of an illustrious group that
includes Bill Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, Helen Keller, Steve
Forbes, Julius Caesar... and Mark Twain. But what exactly is
left-handedness? Is it defined by the hand you use for writing?
Or is it the hand you use for most manual tasks? And what does
"handedness" have to do with brain function anyway? Is
there any truth to left-brain, right-brain theories?
The answers, or at least some of them, can be found at the
Primate Handedness and Brain
Lateralization Research site which offers explanations of
brain-to-hand phenomena and lets you participate in an
ongoing study of human handedness by answering a detailed
hand-preference questionnaire. While you're visiting, browse
through a list of hundreds of names of left-handed presidents,
authors, actors, athletes, and political figures.
"Good source of basic information for anybody who is left-handed, teaches someone who is left-handed or is simply interested in what left-handedness is all about. Check out the list of famous left-handers." (Dec 1996)
(Volume 2, Number 6, page 73) June
4-star rating
(one of eight "Tech" sites
3-star rating (4 possible)
s e r i o u s b a c k p a
t s
SURFTIPS: Ta en tur
vänsterhänta (Famous Left-Handers)
#25 on 100 list: April 1996
featured in Toshiba's E-zine Science Talk
(in Japanese)
c o o l h o t f u n k
"... a very nice and extremely informative sight about the
research into...erm...erm.. our past, and even our future. I may
not understand it all, but I really like it..."
"...I've chosen... African
Primates at Home, to be listed in my compilation of the
absolute best sites on the Web.... From the Depths of the Web,
features *the* best sites out there; every site has top-notch
visuals *and* strong content.
...I will keep From the Depths of the Web to less
than 1000 sites, updating and changing the links as technology
changes and pages get better and better. Only the cream of the crop
will be listed here."
Arts & Entertainment Links
"African Primates at
Home Home Page is a sight and sound experience for children of
the animals living in the motherland of Africa. With many pictures,
sounds, and facts, it's [sic] beats a smelly trip to the zoo. (rev
with Stewart
o f f t h e c u f f r e m a r k
"... very well designed and was fun to
"... excellent in both design and content."
"...your site... was very interesting and very informative,
and I plan to pass it on to students in my intro to linguistics
course, particularly for the page on lateralization and
"Indeed, a wonderful website!!! Your pictures have caused my
heart to be tugged in that direction for the sites, smells and
sounds of wild East Africa."
"I am a Japanese veterinarian.... I and my son, 5 years old,
enjoyed your site. I think really it is good for
"6 June 1996
Subj: Message from Henry
jjhhujjjjyhkubmngyhh, j. lmjl,j . ,m,n, , jm mm
[Henry is 2 years old, and regularly goes surfing with his dad Joe.
Ususally it's Joe that does the corresponding, but I am delighted
to see that Henry is now learning to express himself via mouse and
keyboard! Go Henry GO!]
g l o b a l i n t e r e s t
Andorra Albania Antigua & Barbuda Anguilla Argentina Armenia Austria Australia Aruba Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Canada Cayman Islands Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire Croatia (Hrvatska) Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland Faroe Islands France French Polynesia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar |
Great Britain (UK) Greece Greenland Guam Guatemala Guyana Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea (South) Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritus Mexico Micronesia Moldavia Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand (Aotearoa) Nicaragua Niger Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Polynesia (French) Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Lucia Saint Tome & Principe Samoa San Marino Saudia Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Slovak Republic Solomon Islands South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Swaziland Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Turkey Turks & Caicus Islands Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay US Virgin Islands former USSR Vanuatu Vatican City State (Holy See) Venezuela Viet Nam Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe |
e d u c a t i o n a l
i n t e r e s t
During a single month (April 1996) a total of 442
different educational institutions accessed M.K. Holder's websites
over 27,000 times. Since February 1996, over 1000
different U.S. educational institutions have checked in (I stopped
counting in April 1997).
Educators & students: If you use these sites in any way
for educational purposes, I'd like to hear where & how...
drop me a line and please include the following information:
p r i m a t e @ i n d i a n a . e d
"African Primates at
Ages 5 - Adult / This site offers a great deal of information
about our hairy cousins. Graphics and downloadable sounds!"
(May 1996)
f e a t u r e d in
p u b l i c a t i o n s
Mk's websites are featured in the following publications
(CD-ROMs and printed books):
Amazing Web Pages. 1996. maranGraphics
Development Group. Ontario, Canada: maranGraphics, page 245.
"The World of Sinistral Subterfuge" by M.K. Holder. Internet
Underground magazine (December 1996): Volume 1, Issue 13: page 67.
iCD Educator's Internet CD-ROM from
Classroom Connect.
Best of the Net - Science CD-ROM
distributed by GeoSync Interactive Corp., Prentice Hall Ginn, Inc., and Silver Burdett Ginn, Inc. Developed by GeoSync
Interactive Corp. & ExCITE, the
Exemplary Center for Interactive Technologies in Education at Simon Fraser University, Canada (December release).
Animal Planet CD-ROM from
Discovery Communications, Inc. (parent company of Discovery Channel
cable television network)
13 August 1997 newspaper article by Geoff Mulvihill mentions Holder's research
Famous Left-Handers featured
in "Surf This!" MaMaMedia: A Kids' Guide to the Net Volume 1, Issue 1 (Fall 1996): page 9.
Aloso Alverez Garcia. 1996. Guia Practica para usuarios de HTML. Creacion de paginas Web.
Anaya Multimedia. Features African Primates at Home.
Grohaty, Tim. 1997. What's Hot on the World Wide Web: The lefty-hippy-Jefferson connection. The News-Times Computer News. Knight-Ridder Newspapers (24 Sep 1997).
© 1997 Press-Telegram, Long Beach, CA.
1998. Lefties Slowly Joining Hands Against Righties. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 21 June 1998. Vol. 12, p. 118 (Lifestyle Section).
Swift, Linda. 1999. The Left Stuff. The Dallas Morning News, Section G, pages 1G and 4G, 13 August 1999.
M k's w e b s i t e s
Primate Handedness & Brain Lateralization Research Site
African Primates at Home
- audio help page
East African Research Sites
What does Handedness have to do with Brain Lateralization (and Who Cares?)
- MK Holder Bibliography 1
Hand Preference Questionnaire
Hand Preference Questionnaires: One Gets What One Asks For (Abstract)
Famous Left-Handers
- Gauchers Célèbre (Famous Left-Handers, en français, French version)
- Zurdos Famosos (Famous Left-Handers, en español, Spanish version)
- Amousfay Eftlay-Andershay (Famous Left-Handers, Pig Latin version)
- Nominate a Famous Left-Hander
- Désignez un Gaucher Célèlbre (Nominate a Famous Left-Hander, en français)
- Nomine a un Zurdo Famoso (Nominate a Famous Left-Hander, en espoñol)
gauche! Left-Handers in Society Resource for Educators, Students, Employers, Manufacturers
- gauche! Parents & Educators
- gauche! Employers & Manufacturers
- gauche! Lefty Tips: Music | Sports | Daily Life
- gauche! Index & Bibliography
- gauche! Archival Comment Page
- Comment Form for gauche! Left-Handers in Society
Mk's InfoSafari Shamba
- Holder's 55th Anniversary International Guestbook
M.K. Holder, 1992 M.Phil. Abstract
M.K. Holder, 1999 Ph.D. Abstract
Three poems by Li Young-Lee
k u d o s (a.k.a. many happy returns)
- uselessness & relevance in emergent technology
- "The World of Sinistral Subterfuge" by M.K. Holder
(text of Internet Undergound guest column)
Mk's InfoBahn Off-Ramps
Lariam (mefloquine) Info
- Lariam References
Handedness Research Institute
reviews | serious backpats | coolhotfunky | offthecuff
global interest | educational
interest | featured in publications
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